Nestled in the foothills of the Toluca Valley is the city of Ixtlahuaca. The surrounding valley slopes have been grazing herds of sheep for centuries, bestowing their wool upon Ixtlahuaca’s weavers.

Tucked away in the backstreets of town, we were introduced to Juan and his family run workshop. Juan has been producing hand woven rugs and pillows for 35 years now, following in the footsteps of his Father, a renowned weaver in the community. He works exclusively with his fine collection of colonial style foot treadle looms, built under his very own supervision by local carpenters in the 1980’s.

The workshop is a cacophony of sounds whose energetic rhythm is lead by the symphonic wooden looms and the rousing banter of Juan’s spirited team. Juan’s mastery of his trade; his unique boucle style; his contagiously creative spirit; and the sheer joy he obviously takes from his work, are clearly reflected in the quality of his pillows, rugs and throws.